Whether a competitor, coach or loyal team supporter, we can’t wait to extend a warm Orcadian welcome to you, as you land on our islands to begin your Orkney adventure.

Orkney continually demonstrates its ability to punch above its weight and has a proven track record in successfully delivering high class international events. This event, which will be the largest ever hosted in Orkney with an expected 2000-2500 visitors, also provides a platform to further develop our strong Tourism sector and promote Orkney as the perfect host and Scotland as the perfect stage.

The 20th International Island Games

The Orkney 2025 International Island Games will take place from 12-18 July 2025. Orkney will have the privilege of hosting the 20th International Island Games in its landmark 40th year since it all began. This week-long event will see athletes from up to 24 island groups from across the world compete in 12 sports: Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Bowls, Cycling, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Sailing, Squash, Swimming, and Triathlon.

The right to host an International Island Games is awarded by member countries of the International Island Games Association (IIGA) at its General Assembly. The International Island Games Association (International Island Games Association | IIGA) is a world membership organisation allowing member islands the opportunity to host this unique multi-sport event.

Our Mission

With over 2,000 Competitors and Officials expected to attend this is set to be the biggest event Orkney has ever hosted. All Island communities participating understand the importance of promoting a healthy lifestyle, providing a focus for young people, and strengthening an island nation’s cultural identity.

The Orkney 2025 Mission Statement highlights that this is more than just a sporting event and will have a significant impact on Physical Activity & Sport in Orkney as it aims to:

  1. Provide a competitive sporting programme in excellent facilities
  2. Create a meaningful legacy for local sport and communities
  3. Involve communities and businesses as much as possible
  4. Celebrate the best of Orkney: place, produce, and people
  5. Make the 2025 Games as environmentally friendly as possible

Lorraine Kelly is Orkney 2025's Ambassador

Lorraine Kelly is a regular visitor to Orkney and comes every year to celebrate her love of the Islands. Orkney is Lorraine's "Happy Place" and she was delighted when invited to feature as an Ambassador for the Orkney 2025 International Island Games. Watch Lorraine in the video below as she shares her excitement about the event. We couldn't have put it better ourselves Lorraine!

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Island Games, Island Voices

Orkney Arts, Museums and Heritage are taking over the baton from Guernsey Arts who showcased a range of cultural events during Guernsey 2023 Island Games. For more information, go to www.orkneymuseums.co.uk/island-games-information/

Volunteer at Orkney 2025

Our volunteers are central to the smooth running of Orkney 2025. The Games-time Volunteer Programme is open from 15th January to 12th September 2024. If you'd like to apply, you can do so now.